Transformation Consultant
For More Complete People 👣
People, in this context, includes Individuals, Groups, Companies, Non-Profits, and Governments. How do I help People become more complete? I listen. I evaluate. But, most of all I know that you are already complete. I just help you hear that from your own inner voice.
Evaluation is helpful. It helps you remember things which keep you believing that you are whole. It also helps you remember things which might make you think you&';re not whole.
Maybe you&';re looking for small changes. Maybe you want a much bigger transformation.
When people want to Transform themselves, no matter how large the change, they&';re usually looking for Paradise, Parameters, and/or Partnership. When you&';re more complete, it&';s easier to step into Paradise on a Daily Basis. Many are looking to know who they are. You might be like me though and find it hard to put that into words. Parameters help you see different aspects of yourself. All of those and more, make up the Complete you. Some refer to Partnership as Connection &n-; Connection with other people - be they Humans, Plants, Animals, the Ocean, the Earth, Spiritual Beings, etc. Yet, most of us want more than Connection, we want Partnership.
Paradise is where you feel most at home. Other names for Paradise include Nirvana, Utopia, Camelot, Shangri-La, and Shambalaland. It doesn&';t matter what you call it, Paradise is where you feel at Peace. It&';s also where you feel connected.
What if we&';re really living in Paradise and just don&';t know it?
Doo Doo Twaxatl
Fa Ja Iswatl
La Do Asmatl
Ease into
Ever expanding
Until you become
Parameters are things that you can measure yourself beside. We often use the word Parameters to imply limits. They don&';t need to.
I&';m a Transformation Consultant. That could mean several things. I use Parameters to further define that. I use Parameters to give Transformation Consultant more depth. I&';m focusing mostly on making this world a better place. Within that framework, I work foremost with People. I also work with Environments, Books, and Computers. And, I&';m probably open to working with other things to help make this world a better place. I have other Parameters that I work by: Keep it Simple but don&';t avoid big words; Keep it light, this includes humor; Keep it ethical, loving, and green. These are not just Parameters that I live by, they&';re who I am.
Partnership. We&';re all looking for connection. Yet, most of us want more than Connection, we want Partnership. We&';re looking for those we can interact with. We might have disagreements. But at the end of the day, we&';re all aiming for some larger purpose.
Partnership starts with Connection. Connection starts with yourself, connecting with all aspects of who you are, even those you&';d rather not acknowledge. And perhaps the first step of Connection is acknowledgement and acceptance. Then, Transformation can begin. Partnership with yourself includes recognizing who you are and who you can become. Partnership with others also includes deep recognition.
We can do this together. I look forward to it!
 π π People Transformation Projects:
🔥 Transformation Coalition: Bring your group - once per week for one year - Transformation Consulting with me; once per month for one year - Transformation Consulting with the Group. Plus more.
🥽 Deep Dive: Bring your group. Pick a presenter and 3 listeners. I will listen and help your listeners learn how to listen deeply while your presenter presents what your group wants to do and what types of help you&';re looking for. I and your listeners will share pertinent feedback to help your group take its next steps. Deep Dive can also happen one on one, just you and me. Deep Dive is a transformation acceleration process.
🌸 Wonderful Wonderments: What if the most horrible aspect of your situation were reversed?
ππ People Transformation Books:
The Actress is by my wife.
Some of these books are are top sellers 🥇;. All are excellent, some are gems 💎;.
Some of my books are Mystical &n-; 𝓜 or contain Mystical Poetry &n-; 𝓜𝓟.
ㄚᗆ means this book is Young Adult (YA). 👪; indicates the story includes a family. 𧊊 stands for magic; 💕 for romance.
G/PG is Maturity Level followed by Reading Grade Level and Ease.
The ActressA well ordered life
encounters a new script
G Rdng Lvl:3rd Very Easy
I have a wonderful life, the actress told her cat, and no reason to be frightened. Her cat, who was never frightened, for she took good care that it would not be frightened, looked back at her and then yawned. Am I so boring? she said. Tig jumped up on the script of the new play.
Yellow BearWhimsical Stories of
G Rdng Lvl:4th Very Easy
Yellow Bear was first invited into my life when a friend said to me, You&';ll be called Yellow Bear, because you&';ll go where the Wind blows. Then nothing happened for several years. One day Yellow Bear started showing up and we&';ve been best friends forever.
jicMaylc is the sound the Wind makes when it fills a sail. Since the Wind fills every sail differently, and since the Wind never fills any sail the same way twice, jicMaylc is pronounced differently every time it is said. The final c is usually unpronounced or breathed.
Stirrings; The Real You; The Void - Back Before the Beginning; Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter; Song of the Wind; Overwhelm & Overflow; Why Not; The Door Opener Society; The Bear and the Tree; Rebirthing; Life Quadrupled; Dream Life; Flowetry
White Water Journeys, Outer Wondrousness, Perihelion of Bliss, DreamScapes and Funnels, Rythms on the Brink, Inner Marvel, Tonic for the Heart, Approaching the Edge, Instilling the Edge, You Can&';t get Close than This, The Far Edge of the Horizon
Condensation in the Form of Butterflies
All will be well, Beginnings of Hope, Hope and Evidence, Places of Hope, Justice, Purpose of Life, Cornucopia Economy, Getting Unstuck, Mother of Hope, Stowaway Owl, Whisper of Hope, Joy&';s on a Mission

Some believe we think with our Brain. Some separate different types of thinking into different parts of the Brain. Some people suggest that we think with both our Brain and our Heart. Others suggest we think with both our Gut. I suggest thinking occurs in 7 areas of our bodies.

This book is not about chemical elements. I&';m going to offer my apologies for that up front, as I know that might be disappointing to a few of you. Rather, this book is about the basic elements which make up the Earth, which make up each of us, and everything.

In the BEGINNING β¦ Now what happened in the BEGINNING? Oh yes, I remember. No, don&';t remind me. I remember. It was a long time ago, it just took me a few seconds to call up that particular memory. Yes, I know, you all could tell it better. But I&';m telling this story.
Joel was having a wonderful evening. After work, he came home and shared a wonderful meal with his family. Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Black-Eyed Peas, and a Mess O&'; Greens. The conversation with his wife Mariah and daughter Sydney was very joyful and uplifting.
Xeechagill-apxtuurii had been on a vision quest. The village elders huddled, discussing what this could mean.
Sylvia timed his arrival at her door just right. She flung it open and encircled him with the blanket. ... He let them lead him away. His vision had led him this far. He would see her again.
One of the Zeldingsβ treasure chests moved upward, slow bit by slow bit. The treasure chest was very long. And it seemed to move upward forever. Many, many invisible Zelding pulled there three treasure chests upward. Then, the Zelding were on the move!

My wife came in from outside, saying excitedly, Come out and look at all the stars. I grumbled. It had been in the 70&';s in Florida. Here in northern Minnesota, it was only in the 20&';s. I went outside to stand for a few freezing minutes, obligingly looking up at the stars. The next day they were all gone.
Tales of how we transformed in each era and how we are still transforming. Reasons why we avoid being transformed. Rocky & Rococo, who are two humongolithic boulders become grains of sand. Short Meaningful Transformations. And, discovering your door into Paradise.
A new better era is coming. How can we learn it&';s language? How can we speak it into creation? How can we unravel its mysteries? The answer is simple. How do you define your dreams of a Paradise which has all of our best interests at heart? How do you live on the edge?