Science Fiction Books
Science Fiction intrigues me. Many of these stories will speak to the space-farer and voyager in you. New worlds are out there waiting to be discovered by you. Other stories will speak to the intrigue of Psychic Abilities.
These are my Sci-Fi books. Some of these books are Romances &heart;. These stories include outer space 🛸, and may include wee people 🧚, psi Ψ.
I can keep us hidden for an hour. At first they hadn&';t believed him. General East and Hanini were younger and only believed in themselves. Besides, how could anyone his size stay hidden for an hour. Viggo was 6 foot 22, as he liked to put it, and looked like a cross between a Viking and Sasquatch. As he saw it, hiding was their only option. Their pursuers were much faster than they. Their weapons would have been lethal if they weren&';t aimed so inaccurately. ... Viggo stepped in front of General East and Hanini, stopped, and then disappeared. After 2 minutes, they still hadn&';t found him, so he came out of hiding long enough for them to follow him back in. |
More of my SciFi Books |