Find the closest/nearest HTML/CSS Official Colors

While we’re no longer restricted by Official Color Names (we can use the rgb value for almost 17 million colors), this calculator is still useful for determining colors that are near other colors.

Input your custom color (3 or 6 hex digits, can be preceded by #). You can also input an official HTML color name. Click Submit to find the closest color. Click Lighter to find a lighter closest color. Click Darker for darker.
And you can input whitest / lightest, blackest / darkest, bluest, greenest, reddest, yellowest, brownest, purplest, grayest / greyest, aquaest / cyanest or refer to Wikipedia
You can also enter random for a random color.
Your custom color will be a shade of some color - Black, White, Gray, Red, Yellow, Lime, Green, Agua, Blue, Magenta. Your custom color may be a shade of multiple colors. The shade will show below. This may differ from the shades at the Wikipedia link.
For official color names, contrasting colors are shown. The last contrasting color is either black or white. If you’re contrasting for text, you’ll want to check your results here.

Enter Color Name or Value in the box below, or click on the Color Picker (black bar) to select a color