Dale Stubbart

The Deep Path Blog

Come with me on the Deep Path, the one which has substance. Join me in Deep Listening, Deep Consulting, Deep Solutions, and Deep Conversations. Let&';s go deep where the answers abound. Let&';s get answers for a lifetime.

We want to listen to the entire question. Then we want to respond with the entire answer. These answers will not only solve problems in the here and now, they will solve them for many generations. Let&';s have fun while we&';re at it.

Let&';s make this as easy as it wants to be. , and at . Let&';s find the solution!, even if you&';re stuck.

Hi there, Aloha, Namaste, Salaam, Shalom, Om Shanti, Avexeni, jicMaylc. I&';m a Consultant specializing in breakthrough problem solving. I&';m the Author of 100+ books, and an Electric Car Concierge. I combine deep listening with gentle power.
I like helping people. I prefer to help people who are helping others and the earth. Contact me. Let&';s see if we can work together to bring about a better world. Often that better world starts with you.

The Deep Path Blog Directory

Riding the Bus 101

My latest book, Riding the Bus 101, is an instruction guide for riding the bus. It contains both instructions and stories about riding the bus.

Bus Systems often advertise that the bus is easy to ride. They might say, Just get on and ride. It&';s easy.. Well, there&';s a little more to it than that. In fact, there&';s a lot more to it.
How do you even find the bus?
How do you get on?
How do you pay?
How do you get off?
How do you navigate the system? How do you know which bus to get on? How do you connect from one bus to another?

There are so many questions, especially if you&';ve never ridden the bus. Still, riding the Public Bus is a great way to get around. Well, it&';s a great way to get around when you&';ve got a good bus system. In the book I tell you why some bus systems are good and others aren&';t.

So, without further ado, let me present book #110:
Riding the Bus 101 - 101 Things to Know About the Bus

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